Tradition, Trauma, Translation is concerned with how Classic texts - mainly Greek and Latin but also Arabic and Portuguese - become present in later cultures and how they resonate in the modern. A distinguished international team of contributors and responders examine the topic in different ways. Some discuss singular encounters with the Classic - those of Heaney, Pope, Fellini, Freud, Ibn Qutayba, Cavafy and others - and show how translations engage with the affective impact of texts over time and space. Poet-translator contributors draw on their own experience here. Others offer images of translation: as movement of a text over time, space, language, and culture. Some of these images are resistant, even violent: tradition as silencing, translation as decapitation, cannibalistic reception. Others pose searching questions about the interaction of modernity with tradition: what is entailed in 'The Price of the Modern'? Drawing, as it does, on Classical, Modernist, Translation, Reception, Comparative Literary, and Intercultural Studies, the volume has the potential to suggest critiques of practice in these disciplines but also concerns that are common to all these fields.(Amazonより)
· J. Bardill. Constantine, Divine Emperor of the Christian Golden Age. Cambridge U.P. 2011/10/31
· H. Tell. Plato's Counterfeit Sophists (Hellenic Studies). Center for Hellenic Studies. 2011/05/09
· ポール・カートリッジ、橋場弦(監修)、新井雅代(翻訳)『古代ギリシア 11の都市が語る歴史』、白水社、2011/08/20
ラテン語辞書の代表、『Oxford Latin Dictionary 第2版』の予約販売がアマゾンでも始まっていました。2012年4月に発売だそうです。
· Oxford Latin Dictionary. Oxford Univ Pr (Txt). 2012/04
· P. Wiseman, 他. Ovid: Times and Reasons: A New Translation of Fasti. Oxford U. P. 2011/04/15
· S. J. Harrison. Generic Enrichment in Vergil and Horace. Oxford U.P. 2011/05/15
第1章 馴染み深く、異質なるギリシア
第2章 ポリスを創る
第3章 ギリシアの人口とサヴァイヴァル
第4章 法、僭主、そして政治の創造
第5章 敵対する
第6章 自由と抑圧の都市
第7章 ギリシア都市、斉一性と多様性
第8章 アレクサンドロス—ギリシア史終幕?
読書案内/文献一覧/索 引
· ロビン・オズボン著、佐藤昇訳『ギリシアの古代—歴史はどのように創られるか? (刀水歴史全書)』、刀水書房、2011/07
The statesman Cicero (106-43 BC) left behind a corpus of about 50 orations, all designed as interventions in the legal and political struggles that marked the final decades of the Roman republic. Ever since their publication during his lifetime they have functioned as models of eloquence. However, they also contain profound philosophical thoughts on the question of being human, on politics, society, and culture, and on the sphere of the divine. Now, for the first time, Ingo Gildenhard systematically analyses this dimension of Cicero's oratory and, in so doing, touches upon many key issues and concepts that still preoccupy us today, such as the ethics of happiness or the notion of conscience, the distinction between civilization and barbarity, or the problem of divine justice. (Amazonより)
· A. Lintott. Cicero As Evidence: A Historian's Companion. Oxford U.P. on Demand. 2011/01
Cicero, one of the greatest orators of all time and an important politician at the time of the downfall of the Roman Republic, has left in his writings a first-hand view of the age of Caesar and Pompey. However, readers need to learn how to interpret these writings and, as with any politician or orator, not to believe too easily what he says. This book is a guide to reading Cicero and a companion to anyone who is prepared to take the long but rewarding journey through his works. It is not in itself a biography, but may help readers to construct their own biographies of Cicero or histories of his age. (Amazonより)
「Oxford Latin Dictionary」の第2版が出るそうです。もう何年も前に予約したのですが、「OLD」第1版の電子版も、たぶんそろそろ出るのではないかな。最近ダウンロード版に変更してはどうかとメールが来ましたので・・・。
· Oxford Latin Dictionary. Oxford Univ Pr (Txt). 2012/04
· G. Liveley. Ovid's Metamorphoses: A Reader's Guide. Continuum Intl Pub Group (Sd). 2011/02/24
· ドミニク・フォルシェー、川口茂雄他(訳)、『西洋哲学史 ─ パルメニデスからレヴィナスまで (文庫クセジュ)』、白水社、2011/03/18
· 逸身 喜一郎、『NHKカルチャーラジオ 文学の世界 ギリシャ神話—ルネッサンス・バロック絵画から遡る (NHKシリーズ)』、NHK出版、2011/03/25
· M. Dennison. Livia, Empress of Rome: A Biography. St Martins Pr. 2011/01/04